Mumbai Indians have won the IPL Trophy 5 times under the captaincy Of Rohit Sharma. And currently, Rohit Sharma is the highest-earner player in the history of IPL. According to the media reports, he has earned 178.6 Cr in the history of the IPL.
Former Indian skipper and current CSK skipper, MS Dhoni, has earned 176.84 Cr in the history of IPL; in the third position, we have former skipper of Royal Challengers Bangalore Virat Kohli, who has earned 173.20 Cr in the history of IPL. At the fourth spot on this list, Suresh Raina is still standing after he retired from the IPL and earned 110 Cr, and other Chennai Super King’s all-rounder Ravindra Jadeja is in the fifth position and has earned 109 Cr in his entire career of IPL.
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